Over three hundred packages sold worldwide. Due to the big success an extended version of the classroom materials is now available.
These classroom materials are meant for educators at various levels who wish to engage with the documentary Framing the Other within their classroom. The materials include a thorough manual for shaping a discussion session, a workshop or an interactive lecture. Its content is divided into three degrees of difficulty, focussing on various educational levels and purposes: from secondary schools and universities to the vocational sector.
The classroom materials consists of:
o Theoretical concepts and practices, such as; The Other in tourism; The contact zone; Framing. Visual culture and visual methods in tourism; Camera’s and lip plates; and Materialities in tourism.
o The manual Training the Other: How to use the film as a basis for discussions, teachings and inspiration, including session aims and outcomes, a myriad of assignments for various purposes and a guide for the trainer.
o Mursi’s Case, a written document serving as background information about the Mursi people and their relationships with tourism.
o A booklet with background information about the film production, the director’s statement and FAQ’s about the film.
o Further readings.
culture clash | tourism | photography | intercultural communication human rights | international business | marketing, destination management | sustainable development | tourism impact | host guest relations | authenticity | responsible tourism | ethics
Tourism Impact: for highschool classes, vocational training, academic courses
Price is excluding VAT and shipping costs (if applicable).
- Level: for highschool classes, vocational training, academic courses
- Language: English
- Hard copy
- Author: Associate lecturer M. Roelofsen, Msc. I. Kok and Msc. W. Timmers
- ISBN: 978-90-826745-2-1
Guest lecturers
Have you purchased the education package and would you like to hear the ins and outs about the making of Framing the Other? Do you want the Filmmakers to share their vision on responsible tourism with your audience? You might consider a guest lecture by the filmmakers at your institute.
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